Dark Frontier is a fan-series (hour long episodes). It is "inspired" by Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry. It chronicles the crew of the I.S.S. Arkangel NX-73814. It takes place in a parallel/mirror universe. In which, the Earth has been globally incinerated by Klingon-Cardassian Alliance Forces. The Terran Empire, has struggled to regain a foot-hold on it's territories and rebuild itself. With the help of the Romulan Star Empire, the two empires have formed a coalition. Which endeavors to rise to power once again.
Created, Written and Produced by
Casey J. Sullivan & David Pass
Star Trek® and all related trademarks are property of Paramout Pictures.
Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek: Voyager®, Star Trek Enterprise®, and all associated marks and characters are registered trademarks of CBS/Paramount Pictures. The use of anything related to "Star Trek" on this website is not intended to infringe upon the rights of CBS/Paramount Pictures.
Dark Frontier, is an online web production “inspired” by Star Trek®. Produced by Casey J. Sullivan and David Pass at Triple-Fiction Productions. It is the first web-based series set in a "Mirror Universe", a parallel dimension similar to that seen in many Star Trek® episodes.
Though there are many similarities in the "Mirror Universe" depicted in this series, to that of the Star Trek® version. There are also many differences. The series features characters that range from Gay/Lesbian/Straight as well as inter-species relationships.
Executive Producer
Casey J Sullivan
Co-Producer & Casting Director
David A. Pass
Music Composer
Prop Master
Dennis C SullivanProduction Advisers
Charlie Rea, Jason Saville
& Richard Martin
Dark Frontier: Operation Deliverance, is a 5 part mini-series (15min episodes). It is based upon Dark Frontier and "inspired" by Star Trek. It features four crew members who have been dispatched to locate the I.S.S. Sudrian NCC-497. A ship that has been missing for over 130yrs. Calls for help from the past, lead them to a strange world. Where they find they are not the only ones who are seeking to solve the mystery of this ghost ship.
Created and Written by
Casey J. Sullivan, David Pass & Richard Martin.
Produced By
Casey J. Sullivan & David Pass
In addition to making props and action figure accessories we have been privileged to produce several Star Trek® Inspired Fan-Series & Mini-Series. Productions include: Dark Frontier, Dark Frontier: Operation Deliverance, Dark Frontier: Vanishing Point, & Dark Academy. We have also worked with other studios to create the following productions: Star Trek: Equinox, Star Trek: Tales of Discovery, & Star Trek: Imperium. Our productions are free for viewing via youtube and vimeo. We have been privileged to work with amazing professional actors and aspiring actors, from all over the world.
Star Trek® and all related trademarks are property of Paramount Pictures.
Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek: Voyager®, Star Trek Enterprise®, and all associated marks and characters are registered trademarks of CBS/Paramount Pictures. The use of anything related to "Star Trek" on this website is not intended to infringe upon the rights of CBS/Paramount Pictures.

Copyright © Triple-Fiction Productions